Unreal Engine Dream Team educators: Chris Allen, Marc Dubeau, and David Conover are teaming with Calvin Mays (Qubicle Design), IBM SpaceTech’s Chief Technical Officer Naeem Altaf, and Senior Software Engineer Minsik Lee in an effort to democratize access to space. This multi-staged project will begin by creating lesson plans to increase student knowledge and awareness of outer space, and will culminate into a Digital Twin of a low-orbit satellite launch, and local outer space.
The goal is to upload our Digital Twin to the IBM cloud to allow for Pixel Streaming on a variety of platforms. This would allow students to both see our Virtual Production Video(s) and also play the game from a variety of platforms. In the post-launch phase, students will learn to interact with the satellite. This interaction will include a combination of downloading and uploading data (commands) to the satellite. Post-launch, we will conduct user interviews and observe students, to learn how they interact with the digital twin, as well as understand their visions for the future of low-orbit satellite design and exploration.
Here is a screen grab from a meeting including myself, Naeem Altaf, Minsik Lee, and students from David Conover’s High School class on game design.